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SOLID East 2024 Recap

The recent SOLID (Summit on Legal Innovation and Disruption) East Event brought together legal innovators and thought leaders to explore the intersection of innovation, advanced technology, and the business of law. This TED-Style Talk summit offered a unique platform for sharing ideas and fostering collaboration in the rapidly evolving legal landscape.

SOLID differentiates itself with its interactive format. The event featured 14 speakers who delivered talks about their innovative approaches and their business impact. What set SOLID apart was the emphasis on engagement beyond the presentations. Each talk was followed by facilitated roundtables, and town hall discussions, allowing participants to engage in real-time brainstorming sessions to apply new ideas to their organizations.

This format encouraged "thinking out loud together" and promoted a diversity of thought, leading to valuable thought exchanges and new connections. The event organizers designed SOLID to provide participants with maximum interaction with peers and colleagues in a round table workshop environment. This approach allowed attendees to assess current challenges and design concrete solutions collaboratively. A few of my major takeaways from the conference are outlined below.

  • The legal industry is entering a new phase of disruption, primarily driven by Generative AI. Discussions at SOLID revealed that law firms are taking the lead on innovation, with the adoption of GenAI happening much faster and more broadly than previous technologies like Technology-Assisted Review (TAR). Participants noted that the impact of AI is not limited to specific practice areas but is reshaping the entire legal ecosystem. A key question that emerged was how to harness these new technologies to meet the evolving needs of clients.
  • The event also addressed the complexities of measuring AI value. Chris Haley from Relativity proposed the formula, Value = Efficiency * Quality (V=E*Q). This sparked discussions on how to quantify the impact of AI implementation. Considerations included time saved, cost reduction, and hidden costs, with an emphasis on aligning measurements with organizational goals.
  • The concept of legal career progression is also evolving. The traditional "career ladder" model is being replaced by what many speakers described as a "jungle gym" approach, emphasizing the importance of diverse skill sets. This shift reflects a growing partnership between corporations and law firms, where professionals are expected to have knowledge across various domains such as eDiscovery, information security, and data governance. An interesting point of discussion was the emerging need for "general practitioners" in corporate law departments, akin to a Chief of Staff role. This position would oversee the integration of various specialized functions and ensure a cohesive approach to legal operations.
  • Knowledge Management (KM) was another central theme, with many speakers emphasizing its crucial role in AI initiatives. As data continues to grow exponentially, the need for effective classification and reuse becomes paramount. Data disposition strategies focused on risk mitigation are also important for corporate clients. A useful acronym to categorize corporate data is SUN (Sensitive, Useful, and Necessary). Data from each bucket should be handled or scheduled for disposition on separate tracks. We discussed if AI could be used to classify data. However, participants grappled with the challenge of balancing human input with algorithmic consistency in data management. While algorithms offer consistency, they can be "consistently wrong" if not properly calibrated.

The SOLID East Event showcased the legal industry's commitment to innovation and adaptation in the face of technological disruption. By fostering open dialogue and collaborative problem-solving, the event provided attendees with actionable insights to drive change within their organizations. As the legal landscape continues to evolve, events like SOLID play a crucial role in shaping the future of legal services and technology integration. The discussions and ideas shared at SOLID East underscore the importance of continuous learning, adaptability, and cross-functional collaboration in navigating the changing terrain of legal practice and business.


technology, article, perspective